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Understanding "Existential Types" with Java

Java is becoming, from version to version, more and more comfortable for functional programming (which can be very useful if you want to program with Greek words like αλφα, βήτα, γάμα, φέτα and λάμδα) it becomes convenient to understand the buzzwords used in languages that nobody uses to import their techniques and make 23rd century enterprise code. In this article, let's discover together a type system enthusiast's trick: existential types.

By "existential types", I don't mean "types that exist", well yes, otherwise it would be super easy to describe, right? "A type that exists" is a type that exists, for example... int. No, by existential one could essentially draw a parallel with Kant's "existentialism". Pfrtt just kidding, like almost everything else that seems to have a connection with philosophy, in functional programming, it actually has nothing to do with it, Haskell's monads probably have nothing to do with Leibniz's monads, and Arrows share nothing with Robin Hood or Shad Gregory Moss. Ahah life is hard.

Before fighting with Java to describe existential types (just kidding, it's actually very easy), I propose a small diversions to a very popular language in French research, OCaml, which allows to describe existentials quite easily.

OCaml diversions

OCaml is a very nice language with lots of tools for working with functions, algebraic types, modules and objects (even if I am far from being an expert in OCaml, I decided to use this language to write the generator for my site). Before the introduction of generalized algebraic types (GADTs), the introduction of existential types could be expressed through several encodings. However, it was common to use only two relatively straigthforward methods. The first is to use Skolemization, which is a trick to turn an existential quantification (in its logical sense) into a universal quantification, because yes, the term "existential" is closely related to its logical counterpart. The second was to use a first-class module. I'm not going to present the first method because it's pretty far from what you would do in Java (and I want to become Java Champion, not OCaml Champion) and I'm not going to present the second one because it would be a horrible spoiler of this whole article!

But since the introduction of GADTs (a kind of sum type whose constructors can be non-surjective and which introduce local type equalities) it has become very easy to declare existential types because they are local types (we will see later why) and once we have local type equality, local type integration becomes trivial.

Now that we have introduced a lot of jargon that is unnecessary for the understanding of this article, let's have a look at a real use case without further ado. Let's imagine that we have some types and we would like to pretty-print them in XML (a quality format). For example :

module Individual : sig
  type t = {
    name: string
  ; age: int

Which would be printed this way in XML:

<individual age="38" name="The XHTMLBoy"/>

And a contact book that would have a list of individuals:

module Contacts : sig
  type t = Individual.t list

Which would be printed this way in XML:

  <individual age="38" name="The XHTMLBoy"/>
  <individual age="39" name="Charlotte de Belfroid"/>

A first approach, a direct encoding

There are many ways to write the serialization strategy. The first, and most obvious, would be to use direct encoding, i.e. to describe each serialization function individually. For example :

let concat_with f list =
      (fun buff x -> " " ^ buff ^ (f x))
      "" list

let individual_to_xml individual =
     "<individual age=\"%d\" name=\"%s\"/>"

let contacts_to_xml contacts =
  (concat_with individual_to_xml)

In our very simple example, it works quite well. The problem is that this method ... doesn't scale much. Indeed, we have to keep in mind how to describe XML for each new element. What we want are generic combinators to build, generically, fragments of XML.

A widely better approach, an indirect encoding

Another approach would be to split the description of the structure of the XML and the structure of the entities being manipulated. For example, let's start by describing generically what an XML document is (in this example, for the sake of brevity, I am obviously assuming less than what an XML document actually is):

type attr =
  | Int of int
  | String of string

type node = {
  tag: string
; attr:(string * attr) list
; content: node list

let int key value = (key, Int value)
let string key value = (key, String value)
let node tag ~attr content = {tag; attr; content}

Now we can write a generic function that traverses a node (which is a recursive type) and turns it into XML. (To simplify the function I haven't dealt with the case of leaves, but don't worry, the XML produced is still valid). Don't rely too much on the code, it is written as an example only.

let rec to_xml {tag; attr; content} =
  let attr_s = List.fold_left
    (fun r (key, v) ->
      let value = match v with
      | Int x -> string_of_int x
      | String x -> x
      in Format.asprintf "%s %s=\"%s\"" r key value
     ) "" attr
   in Format.asprintf "<%s%s>%s</%s>"
     tag attr_s (concat_with to_xml content) tag

Now I can use my structure within my modules, it is much easier to write than having to interpolate data everywhere, as was previously the case:

let individual_to_xml individual =
      ~attr:[ int "age" individual.age
            ; string "name" individual.name ]

let contacts_to_xml contacts =
  node "contacts" ~attr:[] (List.map individual_to_xml contacts)

This approach looks good in every way, however, there is one aspect in which it is really bad... This method does not take advantage of existential types at all and therefore makes this article completely useless. I suggest that we add artificial constraints to our serialization routine to make sense of the use of existentials and that these examples be transposed to Java. One of these constraints could be, for example, to say that it is strictly forbidden to use an intermediate format because ... lol, I do what I want.

A cheaper approach, but one that takes advantage of existential types

If we want to avoid having an intermediate description (for no other reason than the pleasure of discovering existentials), one solution would be to compose, not constructors, but pretty-printer functions. So far so good, let's try to write an symetric function that compose printers:

let attr key f x = (key, f, x)
let string key x = attr key Fun.id x
let int key x = attr key string_of_int x
let content f x = (f, x)

let attr_to_string (k, f, x) =
  Format.asprintf "%s=\"%s\"" k (f x)

let content_to_string (f, x) = f x

let node tag ~attr content =
  Format.asprintf "<%s%s>%s</%s>"
    (concat_with attr_to_string attr)
    (concat_with content_to_string content)

The type of our node function is :

val node :
  string ->
  attr:(string * ('a -> string) * 'a) list ->
  (('b -> string) * 'b) list -> string = <fun>

Yeah, it seems to work! Let's try a simple node : node "foo" ~attr:[string "name" "Antoine"] [], it returns "<foo name=\"Antoine\"></foo>", Great, it works, we are brilliant! Let's try to write the function to transform an individual! An attentive reader may ask this very justified question: "why storint the elements and not directly applying the attr_to_string and content_to_string functions?" This is an excellent question. Essentially because once our transformation is applied, we can no longer act on it at all. So if I had, for example, optional fields, I'd have to build a combiner for each type and each optional type that I want to manipulate, which doesn't scale much.

let individual_to_xml individual =
    ~attr:[ string "name" individual.name
          ; int "age" individual.age ]

And this... does not work. Because the 'a of the node signature is set to string the first time string is used in the attribute list by monomorphization. The problem would have been the same for content if I had wanted to fill it with heterogeneous fields. What a mess!

So at this point we are faced with an alternative:

It seems that we are faced with a Cornelian choice! What to take, the plague or cholera? Well, I suggest you choose neither! We will simply describe a type that hides the fact that we work on different types!

type attr =
   | A : (string * 'a * ('a -> string) ) -> attr

type content =
   | C : ('a * ('a -> string)) -> content

As you can see, the variable of type 'a only appears in the right-hand side of the type equation, this variable is an existential type (and this is only possible if you use the GADT syntax, for the reasons I mentioned at the beginning of the article). To understand the difference between a type variable that is existentially quantified and a normal type variable, I invite you to compare these two statements:

type 'a normal =
   | Normal : 'a -> 'a normal

 type exists =
   | Exist : 'a -> exist

In the first declaration, the type is parametrized by 'a, so the variable appears on the left and right of the equation. In the second declaration, the variable does not escape from the signature, so it denotes an existential type. For example, Normal 10 will have the type int normal and Exists 10 aura le type exists (Yeah, no more leaking).

In general, types that involve existentials imply having two additional functions, pack, which will bury our data in our type (which defines one or more existential types) and unpack whose role will be to extract our values buried in the type. In fact our pack function is very similar to the attr and content functions we defined earlier, and unpack has attr_to_string and content_to_string. Let's modify our code to make it work:

let attr key f x = A (key, x, f)
let string key x = attr key Fun.id x
let int key x = attr key string_of_int x
let content f x = C (x, f)

let attr_to_string = function
  | A (k, x, f) -> Format.asprintf "%s=\"%s\"" k (f x)

let content_to_string = function
  | C (x, f) -> f x

And the node function does not change at all, except that now it will have the type: val node : string -> attr:attr list -> content list -> string. Our types attr and content hide the implementation details. And slightly more formally the pack function, generally, associates a value with a strategy for normalising that value, in this case, a string projection function. So we could say that the pack function guarantees that a type exists such that it can be consumed in a certain way. That's why we talk about "existential types".

Now that we have seen what existentials are in a very artificial example, we can go back to a real language, Java.

Existential types in Java

Even though Java is becoming more modern every day (which explains my obsession to becoming a Java champion), the language does not allow to describe complicated stuff like GADTs. So how can we describe existentials? (What a clue!)

You may not believe me, but in the world of enterprise code, it is even easier to describe existentials and here is an example partially similar to the one we described in OCaml:

// I could have named it AbstractBeanXmlAttribute
interface XMLAttr {
  String toXMLAttr()

// I could have named it AbstractBeanXmlAttribute
interface XMLContent {
  String toXMLContent()

And our previous node function, (assuming that functions to transform a list of attributes into a string and a list of contents into a string are available, of course):

class XMLNode implements XMLContent {
   private String tag;
   private List<XMLAttr> attr;
   private List<XMLContent> content;
   public XMLNode(String tag, List<XMLAttr> attr, List<XMLContent> content) {
     this.tag = tag;
     this.attr = attr;
     this.content = content;

   String toXMLContent() {
      "<" + this.tag + createXMLAttributesStr(this.attr) + ">"
    + createXMLContentStr(this.content)
    + "</"+ this.tag + ">";

And so... existentials in Java would be nothing more than instantiated objects of classes that implement interfaces? Not really, it's even more pervasive than that! Interfaces (but not only, any form of polymorphisms related to overtyping) make it possible to produce abstract representations of behaviour. Moreover, encapsulation is at the heart of the fundamental idioms of object-oriented programming.

As we have seen in OCaml, an existential type hides implementation details (like encapsulation in OOP where the internal state of the object is generally hidden, hence the famous Blackbox analogy) and provides a proof of the existence of a consumption strategy. This is exactly the "contract" part of an interface. As a result, it is possible to treat uniformly instances of different classes implementing the same interface (or several). This analogy between objects (and more generically, abstract types) has long been known (1988), indeed Abstract types have existential type.

So, what can we learn from this article? Well... that you already know the existential types, it's just that you call them, probably differently.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and see you soon for new articles!